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  • Writer's pictureNatalia's True Definition


Unlike your virginity, am back. We all have that one thing that we live with and haunts us, silently or loudly, I don’t know. Or the memory is usually triggered by some things. If you still don’t have it then know that you will and don’t work so hard to try and prevent it because you won’t see it coming, just like that character development that you never thought you’d graduate from. Am sorry hunnay but that is the life that we live in.

I know you are probably wondering where all this came from, my demon just decided to stop by a little bit. I also have that demon, yes. Am probably having less than 15 days to turn 21 years but I already got my first demon to fight. I really dong fight it every day because when it came into my life I decided to try and turn it into something beautiful. Even if I worked so hard to turn it, it still hurts. I honestly have had a couple of demons that am fighting right now and I would have probably written poems on them that wouldn’t make sense to you unless you are good at analyzing poems, but then I decided to write this because I love writing and I still haven’t found a book that will satisfy my perfectionism.

Let’s talk a little bit about trust, I initially had trust issues on selected people until I was having drinks with one of the people whom we share blood somehow and they told me to not even trust them. I wondered why such words would come out of that mouth. Someone that I thought was trustworthy and I could probably trust with some issues actually betrayed me. Am not going to lie that this thing hasn’t affected me, because it honestly has. Day in and day out I remember it and I attempt to cry. If you know me well you know that I love crying, and yes I cried today too.

I was watching a documentary yesterday and it was about crypto-currency. It’s about that guy who invented an app that deals with bitcoins and later escaped with the money people had invested in the app and had probably changed his face and identity. People trusted this guy that they invested in his app. After watching that I went out to take a walk and guess what came to my mind, M-PESA. What do you think would happen if MPESA was to close down or something bad was to happen and all the money that was there vanished in thin air? How many people do u think would be affected? Yea, that’s how much of an overthinker I am.

The Netflix documentary:

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